Saturday, December 3, 2011

Celebrating Thanksgiving for the first time

My first Thanksgiving week started with the launch of my friend Adams' 3D Christmas projections on Saks fifth Avenue. I went along to see the show. It started with Ballerinas stopping traffic and dancing down Fifth Ave, then the famous windows were launched the finally the projections lit up the building. We were kept warm with flasks of hot chocolate. The whole team then went to celebrate at a wonderful hotel called the Kimberly with the best views of the city including my favorite NY building, The Chrysler. A great monday evening. Checkout the film here.

The day before Thanksgiving was amazing, we had a Potluck lunch at work. everyone brings something and we had a wonderful afternoon. My Sweet potato & Butternut Squash Mash went down well I think. DJ B took to the decks and we sipped Rum spiced apple cider with a fabulous view of the Hudson River.
I finished the pre-thanksgiving day off watching the Macy's Parade balloons being inflated on the upper west side of the park.... Kermit & Snoopy are my childhood friends.

Thanksgiving Day involved great food and good wine and a long afternoon walk around Fort Greene, it did feel wonderful. Then to get in the spirit of the occasion it was off to Best Buy for the Black Friday madness. Seven hours, Harry Potter Screening & free yummy cheesecake and I am now the owner of a TV... who knew queuing... sorry I should say..standing in line, could be so much fun. I seem to be doing that a lot recently after successfully spending most of the night on the streets of Soho for H&M for Versace.

I spent the rest of the four day weekend discovering more of New York. I went to see a movie at the incredible BAM cinema in Brooklyn, what a building. I watched A week with Marilyn, I'd forgotten what an amazing actor Kenneth Branagh is; Michelle Williams is radiant in the movie too.

My first saturday morning stop was The Faile at Houston & Bowery, Arge's fav artist. It fills am amazing space on in the East Village.

The area is filled with great restaurants and vintage shops.  I have my eye on some chic mittens for winter. The walk up to the Flatiron is great. Every street is filled with individual boutiques.. I feel I may get lost there most saturday afternoon's. My long weekend was completed with Veggi spagbol with great friends

This week christmas arrives in New York in the form of a giant tree at the Rockfella Centre. I tried and failed to get to see the lighting, Justin Beiber (pre- recorded) and President Obama in town on the same day means the streets were grid locked & full of tourists. I instead like most sensible New Yorkers went the next day!  With the help of a friend I discovered the upper west side and enjoyed an afternoon stroll down to the tree.

As they say this side of the pond.... The Holiday season is in full swing... I must unpack my boxes that the sea has just delivered,  I'm sure I packed christmas decorations somewhere .