Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hello Springtime in NYC

the tulips & dafs are flowering in Brooklyn.. must be springtime and with Easter round the corner New York is starting to look even more beautiful. Last week we found a way up to the Prime Focus rooftop... wow what a view. That is where you will find me when i'm rendering...

I had an amazing March.  I took part in my first flash mob with Amelia & I spent a tuesday morning in a dance studio learning the moves...The flash mob was for Oreo cookies 100th birthday and happened in union square. Great Fun.

I visited that weird and wonderful place called Coney Island. It was still early in the season so the wonder wheel was It was a beautiful day to sit on the beach with a portion a chips from the world famous "Nathan's"- home of the hot dog eating competition.

I spend another street art saturday in Brooklyn discovering some more great pieces including a beautiful Dface & Faile. Missing the Faile on Houston & Bowery... the new art installation is good...but no faile..

After a crazy couple of weeks on Madonna last week i had some downtime. Went to see Amelia Robinson play piano and Ukele at the Rockwood music hall. She was incredible. Wednesday was time to catch up with my new lovely british friends at our Brits nights and Thursday we queued for free beer at the sound lounge re-lunch party at their Hudson Street facility. Friday was the 1 year anniversary of the PFNY teams move to the new facility so it was time for cake and champagne... great way to end the week..

Sunday, February 5, 2012

superbowl sunday

GO MADONNA!!!!!!  Not sure I understand the Superbowl  but i'm looking forward to seeing Madonna at halftime. Today has been amazing in NYC, such a great atmosphere... can't wait to see what the city will be like tomorrow if they win!

So December and January have flown by. Still having a Gas in NyC ( as mick Jagger would say- reading his biography).... 
December is NY was so exciting . All the Christmas lights around the city, shopping in Macy's and on 5th Avenue, the tree at the Rockerfella plaza and sidewalk Santa's and carol services! But not mince pie was found so I was excited to fly home to England. 
A crazy day in London catching up with the VTR now smoke & mirror/UNIT boys finished with Pinchy, Arge and myself in Byron Burger.

The next morning with the help of a good Samaritan I was driving to the
Countryside in my beetle... Listening to Christmas songs ... Driving home for Christmas came on as I left the M4. A week with family is the best way to relax after 10 weeks in New York. Found the perfect snow boots in Blunsdon Market.

Before I knew It I was on a plane with Arge flying back to celebrate NYE in NY. We had dinner at Brasserie 8 1/2 (very SATC) and then went to central park. Thousands of Crazy New Yorkers do a midnight 5k run to see in the new year..... Arge & I sneakily drank champagne and watched the firework display. 

We spent the rest of the week discovering street art in Brooklyn...
Arge finally got to see The amazing Faile on Houston & Bowery....

Actually there's not a faile or an OBEY or an invader we haven't seen. 

We had a great week and it ended with great friends discovering Brussel Sprout pizza... YUM

 I could be a tour guide - which I was when my friend Ralph was here. We had a fun day in the snow taking photos. NYC is so beautiful in the Snow.

(c) robinpope

Went to my first gig at the mercury lounge, Fuji & Miyagi were amazing! 
It's a great venue, very intimate and considering the last time I saw them was at Glastonbury it was a big difference ! 

Last weekend was the Chinese New Year and I braved the parade in chinatown.. great fun!

Looking forward to the Oscars, Loved The Artist and watched The Descendants last night... Mr Clooney is great!

anyway....time to check out these SuperBowl commercials... and the legend that is MADONNA

love from NYC xoxo