Saturday, December 3, 2011

Celebrating Thanksgiving for the first time

My first Thanksgiving week started with the launch of my friend Adams' 3D Christmas projections on Saks fifth Avenue. I went along to see the show. It started with Ballerinas stopping traffic and dancing down Fifth Ave, then the famous windows were launched the finally the projections lit up the building. We were kept warm with flasks of hot chocolate. The whole team then went to celebrate at a wonderful hotel called the Kimberly with the best views of the city including my favorite NY building, The Chrysler. A great monday evening. Checkout the film here.

The day before Thanksgiving was amazing, we had a Potluck lunch at work. everyone brings something and we had a wonderful afternoon. My Sweet potato & Butternut Squash Mash went down well I think. DJ B took to the decks and we sipped Rum spiced apple cider with a fabulous view of the Hudson River.
I finished the pre-thanksgiving day off watching the Macy's Parade balloons being inflated on the upper west side of the park.... Kermit & Snoopy are my childhood friends.

Thanksgiving Day involved great food and good wine and a long afternoon walk around Fort Greene, it did feel wonderful. Then to get in the spirit of the occasion it was off to Best Buy for the Black Friday madness. Seven hours, Harry Potter Screening & free yummy cheesecake and I am now the owner of a TV... who knew queuing... sorry I should say..standing in line, could be so much fun. I seem to be doing that a lot recently after successfully spending most of the night on the streets of Soho for H&M for Versace.

I spent the rest of the four day weekend discovering more of New York. I went to see a movie at the incredible BAM cinema in Brooklyn, what a building. I watched A week with Marilyn, I'd forgotten what an amazing actor Kenneth Branagh is; Michelle Williams is radiant in the movie too.

My first saturday morning stop was The Faile at Houston & Bowery, Arge's fav artist. It fills am amazing space on in the East Village.

The area is filled with great restaurants and vintage shops.  I have my eye on some chic mittens for winter. The walk up to the Flatiron is great. Every street is filled with individual boutiques.. I feel I may get lost there most saturday afternoon's. My long weekend was completed with Veggi spagbol with great friends

This week christmas arrives in New York in the form of a giant tree at the Rockfella Centre. I tried and failed to get to see the lighting, Justin Beiber (pre- recorded) and President Obama in town on the same day means the streets were grid locked & full of tourists. I instead like most sensible New Yorkers went the next day!  With the help of a friend I discovered the upper west side and enjoyed an afternoon stroll down to the tree.

As they say this side of the pond.... The Holiday season is in full swing... I must unpack my boxes that the sea has just delivered,  I'm sure I packed christmas decorations somewhere .

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Enjoying NYC with good friends

and my New York adventure continues......................
Friday morning, wakeup, look outside to check on the weather....
is that craft services at the bottom of my steps, is that a camera truck? ... oh yes, they were shooting one of my favourite shows "The Good Wife" in a church on my street.Ahh..... New York...
Friday evenings are free at lots of the museums so I braved MOMA. Get in, grab a free ticket and take a deep breathe! It's very crowded- but an incredible place. I took in as much as I could and loved the QR app. You scan the code of the art you love and you can get more info. Great way to remember things that grabbed your attention. 
The "talk to me" video exhibits are great.
a couple of my favorite pieces...
have look and see what else is in the exhibit
I also found my "quiet and peaceful" place. The Monet exhibit on the top floor ... Just before closing..Perfect.
New York is a big city, and can be overwhelming some days... so... it's time to do some normal day to day things.
Saturday morning..quick stop at the bank... Super friendly and now I'm off to buy some fresh veggies and do the weekly shop.. This was never as exciting at home.  I went in search of a store called "Three guys from Brooklyn" Their shop has a great story behind it and it does great Deals on fresh food- plus weekly specials and a loyalty card!!! Never has grocery shopping been so exciting. At first it's slightly annoying not having a Sainsbury's / Tesco's on every corner but it means you have to explore! 
Thinking of things to cook for our Thanksgiving lunch at work ... I'm thinking apple pie and maybe butternut squash mash!! 
It was a Beautiful fresh sunny day in Brooklyn. Mary and Steve were in town and we went to explore central Park....Big Bird, Ghostbusters buildings, the new york marathon finish line....

After a quick dance on the BIG piano in FAO Schwartz we finished off with "red velvet" magnolia bakery cupcakes in Bloomingdales.

It was then time to continue my art weekend, tonight was the Guggenheim.. "pay what you want" from 5:45-8pm and it was the first day of an incredible exhibition by Maurizio Cattelen. Imagine a giant mobile hanging down the centre of the museum with pieces of work such as a giant taxidermied horse, JFK in a coffin and Hitler as a boy. A must see if you're visiting NY before January.

Sunday morning arrived and it's no ordinary sunday, as I was about to pop to the launderette I realized I couldn't cross the street as 47,000 people were running down it, how amazing, the NY marathon route goes past my street. An incredible atmosphere. I found the gospel singers outside the church and cheered the runners on in a fabulous way.

This week has been very New York.. party hard, everyday..
Monday was a farewell dinner with Mary & Steve at the Tavern on Jane. On route i bumped into a friend i worked with in LA who was in town, cut to tuesday night dinner in Alphabet City with lovely people. Fantastic fresh food and a great atmosphere. No reservations, get there before 7pm and enjoy..
wednesday I drank far to much red with with work colleagues... phew it is the weekend yet!!!!!! 
Spent Friday night winding down listening Mark Ronson's show on to East Village Radio....a great find... don't worry, i was listening to you as well.
And just when I think I can start relaxing... Toby calls me from JFK, he's in town. 1 hr later we are starting the night off in the Brooklyn Arms followed by my first trip to GreenPoint & Williamsburg. Great company, far to may cocktails and the Boardwalk Empire lot.
check out Toby's online magazine...
"i'm just a teenage dirtbag is the song of the moment" :) ROCK AND ROLL...
love AnnieT in NYC xx

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hello from Trotters in New York City

Hi from NYC.....
I'm writing this on the C train subway on my way home to Brooklyn from Manhattan... while listening to the inaugural John Peel Lecture on 6 music.

What a great first few weeks i've had in New York City. 
Gorgeous HOT HOT HOT Sunshine my first weekend in town, crazy snow which took down trees & power lines on my fourth weekend here.

I discovered the DUMBO area of Brooklyn on my first weekend, The Creators Project was exhibiting and I saw some amazing art. My favorites being the film installation  "Life on Mars Revisited" by David Bowie, Created By Barney Clay & Mick Rock, Strata #4 by Quayola & A Physical Manifestatio of Ladies & Gentlemen, We are floating in space by Jonathan Glazer
check the out  @

I walked across the Brooklyn Bridge , seeing the NY skyline from the bridge is an incredible site

and checked out the OWS. Amazing how maybe 100 or so people are having such an effect on the world's media.

stopped by Strawberry Fields, it was full of students from Manchester singing Oasis songs... 

and had a few cocktails....

Opposite PFL is a chocolate shop and on Oct 18th it was the 40th Anniversary of the release of the original "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory". Hudson Street was full of Oompa Loompa's giving away golden tickets for the DVD & FREE CHOCOLATE... thanks Tristan, looking good!


This weekend I ventured across the river to Jersey City....Oh Yeah! 
I went to the Landmark Loews Theatre to see a Halloween screening of "House on the Haunted Hill" directed by William Castle. The evening included an appearance of a skeleton on a wire - Emergo!!
What an incredible place. It has been restored to its former glory after being saved from demolition by local volunteers, who now run the cinema.... a must visit for all film fans.

We then all went for beers at Barcade.. is it a bar? is it an arcade?'s both!

Saturday morning ( well afternoon after my big night out in Jersey City) I woke up to SNOW.... SNOW! Summer is well and truly over. I ventured out to the supermarket and I now need to purchase some furry Hunter wellington boots! 

Saturday i went to my first NY/ Brooklyn Halloween party.. dry ice & pumpkins.. and lot's of Doctor Who fans

PFL NY is great.... currently Flame Hot-Desking...Oh well...
I have a good View of the Statue of Liberty across the Hudson river.

Trotters xoxo